Future Cities for Future People
Fri 12 March, 2021-Sun 28 March, 2021
QUT Gardens Points

Created by: Michael Hunter From: Brisbane QLD, Australia

People are at the core of cities, transforming streets into markets, parks into parties and bringing architecture to life through shared experience. As urban populations grow, community engagement is as important as ever. FUTURE CITIES FOR FUTURE PEOPLE gives you the tools to learn about and create your own urban space through augmented reality and music.

This Curiocity demonstrates simple engineering and urban planning concepts that have you thinking differently about the space around you. Create a city, experience augmented reality and hear your urban soundtrack.

What will your city look and sound like?

About the Creators

Michael Hunter is a performing musician and doctoral researcher looking at the opportunities technology affords future cities and community engagement. In particular, Michael studies novel ways in which citizens can engage with urban transformation. Michael believes that smart cities are made smart by their citizens and is continuously looking for new and interactive ways to involve citizens in their city.

As a part of the Augmented Sociality project – co-funded by the Australian Research Council – and with great help from Alessandro Soro, Ross Brown and Joel Harman, Michael is creating Augmented Reality experiences that shape and enhance future democratic processes in exciting and engaging ways.


Fri 12 March, 2021 - Sun 28 March, 2021


8:00 am - 8:00 pm


QUT Gardens Points

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